Chicken! So delicious and nutritious…

But if it is not prepared in the right conditions, it can contain many dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter. These bacteria poison millions of people every year and can cause permanent damage or even death.


Salmonella is a dangerous bacterium that is passed on to human by the consumption of chicken meat which is mostly cut and stored in bad conditions. More than 100,000 Salmonella bacteria poisonings are reported annually in Europe, but the actual figure is estimated to be millions.

It begins to grow in the human body within three days of infection and shows its presence with symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting, and this takes about a week.

Salmonella, which does not have any drugs and vaccines, can cause serious problems especially for those with immune system diseases.


Salmonella bacteria often come to mind when the problems associated with eating undercooked or poorly prepared chicken. However, another common type of bacterium, called Campylobacter, can also poison you.


In Europe, 190,000 Campylobacter poisonings are reported each year, but the European Food Safety Authority estimates that the actual figure is around 9 million.


If you eat a product with Campylobacter, within two to five days, the bacteria show itself with complains such as diarrhea, cramp, abdominal pain and high fever. If the effects do not disappear within a week, antibiotic treatment start. If not treated properly, it can cause death for those with immune system diseases, children and the elderly. It has also been shown to cause permanent serious damage to the nervous system.

For this reason, even when touching the chicken products, care should be taken.

As Bilal Group, we prepare and pack our products on the production line in our factory which has the highest hygiene certificate in the world (BRC).

In addition to Halal and BRC, all our products have the highest level of HACCP (Food Safety Quality Certificate). Our products are periodically tested against bacteria by independent authorities. That’s why we always win the fight against bacteria. Choose Bilal Chicken products for healthy and practical meals without bacteria.

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    Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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